
New College of Florida

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Undergraduate Education

Bachelor of Arts

 Major in Chemistry


Vanderbilt University

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Graduate Education

Doctor of Philosophy

 Major in Chemistry


Degree Expected in 12-16-2023

Key Words: Post-Translational Modifications, Human Lenses, Aging, Age-Related Nuclear Cataracts, Solubility

Latest Manuscript 

PTMs in aging lenses and age-related nuclear cataracts may cause a change in solubility of protein regions if not the entire proteins, which may make age-related aggregation more likely to occur.

Key Takeaways:

-Peptides are more likely to be modified with dehydroalanine (DHA) than dehydrobutyrine (DHB).

-Proteins with DHA and DHB are more likely to be among the urea-insoluble fractions.

-Non-modified counterpart peptide sequences are more likely to be in the water- or urea-soluble fractions depending on the sequence and protein.

-DHA- and DHB-modified peptides can display trends, such as DHA or DHB levels that increase with age-related nuclear cataracts only, age or age-related nuclear cataracts, or neither age nor age-related nuclear cataracts.